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212 Services

Podcast Production

Podcasts are a compelling and accessible channel to inform and communicate information to your people. Equally, as a marketing tool, podcasts are the ideal way to convey thought leadership in your field.

212 can plan, record, present, produce and publish your podcast


For some, presenting a podcast or radio show is nerve-wracking. 


 If you'd rather your project was hosted by a professional, 212 Radio provide presenters with years of success, Sony Radio Academy Awards and countless hours broadcasting on the UK's largest radio networks.

Internal Radio

Radio  will connect your team in a way that no other communications channel can. It's is a unique and extraordinarily powerful means of engagement.  In a world of remote and hybrid workforces an internal radio channel can turn a workforce into a community. 

212 will create your own radio station; a unique and compelling shared experience for colleagues


In today's world of virtual working, we are all presenters.

212 have countless hours of experience as award-winning  presenters radio and video. Our Masterclasses contain everything you need to revolutionise your impact on video

Employee Engagement

Radio and podcasts are the most accessible channels for  your comms plan.

They are a unique way to the bring the cornerstones of employee engagement to your people; wellbeing, rewards and recognition, What's more, they are the shared experience that will turn your remote working teams into a community


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